Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving! or as I now call it, "No Gizmo!" Day

Oh man! Thursday started off as a great day! Grandma and Grandpa (Mom's p's) were at our house. They came up from Florida to have Thanksgiving with us. My uncle Scott (Mom's brother) was there, my sister Lindsey, and brother Adam, were all there! All at our house. Man I never had so many people to play with.

Grandpa, Uncle Scott, Grandma, and mom (of course)

I was really excited, and started doing lots of barking. I wanted to make sure everyone saw me and knew I was ready to play. I barked at everyone, often, and loud. I'm not sure they were really paying attention to me. So, I kept it up until I got some attention. Sometimes I would get petted for a while. Sometimes they would throw a toy around. Good stuff. I like all of that kind of attention. But, after a little while they would forget I was there or something. So, I had to start barking more to remind them.

C'mon you lazy guys, lets play some squeaky toy!

After a while everyone kept saying "No Gizmo". "Quiet"... "No Gizmo". I did not like the way this was starting to go. In the kitchen there was starting to be a lot of food getting put on the counters. Surely they must have known that I would check that out. But, as soon as I would get up on the counter, everyone would start going "No Gizmo! Down!". What surely they aren't serious.

But, then they would put me outside...
Hey, I've been out here for like a minute, it is time to come back in!

Each time they would let me out, I would start to play, and then there would be a bunch of "No Gizmo!" being shouted by everyone before they kicked me out into a new place... alone... by myself... I just wanted to play. Surely these people want to play with me.
C'mon lets play!

You have to be kidding me...
Locked away... again.

Oh wait... is there food in there?

You have to be kidding me...
locked in a room... I was just checking out stuff on the counter. Seems like you guys already have a lot of food.

But, what about the stupid cat.
Oh I guess everyone loves the cat now.

No one says no to the cat. Oh, I guess she is allowed to run around everyone loves her... stupid cat. When no one is looking she jumps on the counters and sticks in her head in all of the bowls and cups.

Oh boy! Time to eat!! This is what I was waiting for! Lindsey, you are holding on too tight.

You have to be kidding me...
Now I'm put in my cage. I was just trying to enjoy dinner with the family!

Well, now that dinner is over,
Maybe I can help clean up a little bit. Surely I can do that!

You have to be kidding me!
Adam please put me down so I can help clean up!

My people really seem to look forward to Thanksgiving. But, I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. Seems like it is a "no playing", "no Gizmo", "someone put the dog up", kind of day.

1 comment:

Lois Lane/Laney said...

You're lucky your big enough to reach up to those places! I just get tripped over when I'm in the kitchen. Mom put a bed down in the dining room while everyone was eating, so I'd stay away and quit begging for food. It worked, but only cuz I was more tired than hungry!