Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Red Dot. My enemy, we meet again!

Since it is starting to get colder outside, and darker earlier, my people like to stay home and sit on the couch with blankets over themselves. Every time they get up I run to door trying to remind them it is time to go to the bark park, but they usually just end up just flopping back down on the couch.

I do everything I can to encourage them to get up and do something fun. Sometimes I try and grab their blankets, sometimes I just jump up on the couch and try and make sure the see me by putting my face right in their face. I think they usually do see me, even though sometimes they act like they don't.

Every once in a while, this little red dot shows up and runs around the family room teasing me. That red dot really chaps my little furry behind. It bugs me almost as much as the stupid cat does.

Sometimes I have to chase it all over the place...

Chasing the red dot!

And, sometimes I have to pounce on it when it just pops up right in front of me...

Me trying to stomp on that darn red dot!

I've almost caught it a bunch of times. One of these days... one of these days... BAM!!! I'll get it, and no more red dot! HA! That will be a good day.

On a side note, my mom keeps messing up the family room by putting all my toys away. But, when she isn't looking I drag them back out and spread them around the room. I figure it is the least I can do to give mom something to do. It is a fun game for both of us.

1 comment:

Lois Lane/Laney said...

I keep telling Mom that she needs to call up the other lazy parents to have them come over to our house so us dogs can at least play out in the yard!
I've been so bored! I miss the park, but Mom is still sick...