Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I underestimated the creepyness!

I was back in class for week 3 of training. It was a frustrating class. They were trying to work on me obeying commands while being distracted. So, they would give me a series of commands... like "Heal, sit, stay, look at me (people like it when you look at them)". Then while I am doing my stay, which is tough enough, they would bounce a ball, and I wasn't supposed to look at it. WHAT!!! I have no idea what the point of that is. I should have skipped this class. It was very frustrating, and since I keep doing "wrong"... or so they said... I wasn't getting any treats, which is very, very, very frustrating. So, after a while I just quit listening to anything.

Sam was doing OK, he can sit and stay for a pretty long time, but that ball is pretty tough not to look at.

After class I saw Santa Clause in the store!!! SCORE!!! I've been hearing about this guy. I was going to ask him for some bacon, and he would have to give it to me, it is like a state law or something.

So I took mom over to where Santa was sitting.

Saying "hi" to Santa.

When I got up close to Santa he really seemed, I dunno, a little off. Those boots weren't real boots, weird. And, when he talked his beard didn't move.

Upclose this guy doesn't seem jolly at all.

So, after saying "Hi", I decided I would just steal my bacon off dad's plate like always, and forget about asking Santa for it.

I changed my mind... I don't want anything for Christmas

But, now mom is all smiling ear to ear... the way people do sometimes, and she wants me to sit down for a picture. WHAT!!! sit next to the funny smelling guy with the fake boots, and beard that doesn't move!?? I don't think so.

I can't smile, and keep an eye on Santa at the same time.

I was ready to go home, but Santa decided he would "Help", by holding me in place. Yeah, thanks Santa! Don't you have some little kids at the mall to scare?

Santa putting me in a head lock.

So, they took a few pics, and then when Santa loosened his grip on me... I took off. But, that old guy looks slow, but he grabbed me right by the leash and held me back for a couple of more pics. Apparently the people didn't think I looked "comfortable" in any of the pictures they had already taken. Can you imagine... Sit next to the creepy, old guy, with fake boots, and a beard that doesn't move when he talks... now... "Look like you are happy". HA! I'll be happy when I'm outta here.

Ok, that is it... I'm leaving

Finally one last picture... they got me to sit, had the creepy, scary Santa behind me, and I just gently slid quietly under his chair. Maybe I can get away if I crawl.

I'm afraid to move

Finally, mom rescued me and we got outta there. Whew! But, then DARN!!! I realized after all of that, I was too scared to remember to ask Santa for my bacon!. Oh man, now I'm thinking about asking mom to take me back there


Lois Lane/Laney said...

Hehe! We saw that Santa at PetSmart, but Mom agreed he looked too cheap to bother with. Thank goodness! He probably would have picked me up and put me on his lap!

Btw, we were at PetSmart on Sunday.. mom made me get my nails trimmed. And we thought we'd see you at class, but I guess they cancelled it for the Holidays. :(

Gizmo said...

Yeah, it was canceled for the Holidays. Darn! It would have been fun to have seen you Laney.


hugz4u said...

LOL He's afraid of Santa XD... I admit, people in costumes can be kinda uncomfortable to be around sometimes 0_0....