Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My new favorite holiday

My faithful readers know that I had a really bad Thanksgiving. It was almost like I was in the way or something. And, I barely got any turkey at all.

So, as Easter rolled around I was hopeful about getting some ham or other good stuff. I saw a lot of activity in the kitchen. But, I was pretty worried about being locked away while the people ate all of the food.

Then a wonderful thing happened. My big brother Adam showed up with his friend Amanda.


Amanda brought her dog Chloe. WOW!!! I didn't know dogs could come to visit me. This was the first time in my life another dog had come over to play.

Chloe is beautiful (in a non-Golden Retriever kind of way).



She already knew how to play some great games.


She already knew how to wrestle.

She chased me, I chased her. It was a lot of fun. It wasn't the bark park, but not bad for being at home. And, I think the best part was, that Chloe like to chase Gnarly, so whenever Chloe was around, Gnarly just stayed on top of the couch... Ha! that was funny...


Except one time Chloe jumped up on top of the couch (even though no one is really allowed up there... that is right Gnarly you aren't allowed up there!), and Gnarly shot out of the room to hide. It was pretty sweet.

Then to top off an already great day, when my people were busy playing cards after they ate, I swear I heard one of them say something about "Gizmo", and "Ham", and "Go ahead"... So, I jumped up on the stove and made off with a pretty good sized hunk of ham. As it turns out I apparently misunderstood what they were saying, because they sure didn't act like they wanted me to have the ham after all... But, I think it is safe to say that ham is my new favorite food.

I'm looking forward to next Easter! I had a really good one this year, and I hope you did too.


Lois Lane/Laney said...

I'm glad you had such a great Easter, Giz!
My grandpa snuck me a lot of turkey as he was picking the last of the meat of the bones.

Gizmo said...

Wow Laney your grandpa sounds great!

Lindsey said...

Oh how dreadful. I can not believe you posted a picture of my beauty for the entire world. Now I am going to have even more people admiring me.

I was not afraid of the dog, gizmo, I simply did not think he had any right to enjoy my presence.

Sigh, when will you learn,