Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spring Walk

It is a beautiful Spring Saturday morning. Dad and I headed out for a walk. I like going to the Bark Park. But, sometimes my people like going for a walk. Walks are OK. But, I don't get to play as much.

Pear trees are blooming in the neighborhood.

Sometimes we even meet people on the walk that don't even have their dog with them. I try and jump and ask them "HEY!!! Where is your dog???". But, they just keep on going. Dad says not everyone has a dog, but that sounds wrong to me. Every dog I know has a person... just makes sense every person would have a dog.

C'mon Dad, try and keep up.

Entrance to the "Hoosier Woods"

We have a couple of different little wooded areas close to our house. I like walking though the woods a lot more than just walking down the sidewalk. Dad likes the sidewalk. But, I say to him "Who do you think this walk is for me or you?" And, then Dad says the walk is for him... and then I say "If it wasn't for me you would be on the couch watching cartoons." And, then Dad shrugs and we go through the woods.

The "Bunny Trail" Geocache.

Do you see the Cache in the picture? It is a little plastic Easter egg in the trunk of the tree. I have blogged about Geocaching before. It is a hobby that people do with their dogs. I'm pretty sure it is a rule that you can only do it with a dog. I know I only do it with people, so I think they can only do it with dogs. Makes sense. This is one that my mom hid. We decided to check on it while we were out. I had to put on my official Geocaching bandanna while I was on official business. The location of Geocaches is supposed to be top secret! But, I have a hard time keeping secrets.

In the "Hoosier Woods".

Back on my walk, just having fun now, so the bandanna comes off. This little section of woods is next to a grade school, where little people pups go to learn "sit", "stay", etc. If you walk all around in here, there are little experiments and things that the students put in here... Collect rain... grow plants... identify trees... You know... they are trees... Duh... how hard is that, not sure why you have to put a sign on them... oh well.


This is another little wooded trail. The trail connects two different neighborhoods. This trail is about a 5 minute walk from the "Hoosier Woods"

Back on official Geocaching business.

Dad likes walking on the trail, but you really can't have any fun in the woods until you get off the trail. Luckily there are a couple of the Geocaches in this woods too.


This one is called. Gizmo's Adventure. Hee-hee... yeah, named after me. It is one of my favorite ones. Do you see it there? it is a tennis can wrapped in tape.


Geocachers have put a little toy snake, and some other little toys in this cache. Geocachers are fun like that.

Heading on down the trail.

The "Grandma's House" Cache.

Back on the job. Do you see the cache there? It is in a little taped up container.


HA! This cache had three little cars in it. Geocachers are really cool.

The Bridge.

The last Geocache is called "Grandma's House" because it is over the bridge and through the woods. I don't get it, but my people think it is funny. Whatever. I like to walk around the bridge.

Hanging out by the bridge.

Someday... someday... I'm going for a swim in there.

The other side of the bridge.

The trail continues on into another neighborhood. But, we just turned around at the bridge and headed back today.

It is was no trip to the bark park. But, all in all it was a fun walk. I think it is good for dad to get out and walk around some. Too bad he doesn't know how to chase me with the stick.

1 comment:

Lois Lane/Laney said...

You're so lucky to have woodsy parks nearby!