Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Halloween Party

First I need to give a shout out to my Bark Park pal Lois Lane, or Laney as I like to call her. I started blogging because I liked her blog. You should check out Laney's blog, it is pretty cool. Laney is one of my main buddies from the Bark Park. I think she would make a good movie star dog. We have a good time playing together.

I do have only one small complaint about her. She really doesn't know how to play "Get the ball from Gizmo" correctly. Most of the dogs, (and some of the people) know that when I have a ball, the game is to chase me and try and get the ball. Whoa... that is really a fun game. But, sometimes when I am playing it Laney will run up behind me and growl and nuzzle me from behind, which startles me. Then I drop the ball and turn around really quick to find out what is going on. Then Laney runs over and grabs the ball and runs off with it. Duh! Laney, that is not how you play the game!

Anyway, I'm going to blog more about the Bark Park and the neat dogs that I have met there sometime in the future. But, I also wanted to point out, that besides meeting lots of neat dogs there, and some people too, I guess (if you are into that kind of thing), I've never seen a cat there!!! Sweet! Take that Alley Cat, and Gnarly! Ha! Guess you will have to find a Meow Meadow or something to go play in.

So, anyway if you checked out Laney's blog you can see that she had a way cool Halloween costume. I mean that thing is sweet it has a cape and everything. They are having a Halloween costume party at PetsMart where I went to school.
Here is a picture from my graduation. I think Mom was pretty proud of me that day!

So, I was kind of thinking that sounded cool if I could get some kind of sweet costume. First thing I thought was I could become "G-izzle" gangster pup. You know maybe a doo-rag, shades, maybe a leather jacket. Nice! I was working on sweet rap like "I'm G-izzle king of the park, all of the ladies swoon when I bark... can I get a whoop whoop". Yeah... nice. That just seems so cool I get all tingly just thinking about it.

So, I was really happy when mom said she was going to go out and get me a costume so we could go to the party.

Then, Tuesday Mom, Dad and I went up there. There were a lot of neat costumes. We saw some football players, and cowboys. Pretty cool, but nothing quite like the "G-izzle" costume that I was planning on.

So, we get inside, and mom takes out the costume from the bag she had and YIKES!!! Oh No!!! Oh embarrassing!

Mom got me the "Rubber Ducky" costume. This isn't quite what I had in mind. I'm not sure I can lay down any rap in that... Oh mother, the shame.

But, on the bright side, they had free treats! SCORE!!! so I went ahead and posed for the picture and got my treats. But, I don't think I'm going to be putting the Rubber Ducky costume on again anytime soon!

BTW- Any cats get to wear super cool costumes and get free treats? Huh, Gnarly? Huh, Alley Cat?


Lois Lane/Laney said...

Thanks for the shout out!

Did you come late to the store? Or another one?
I missed seeing you in your costume! Or did you plan that? Blake was embarrassed too, don't feel too bad.

I'm sorry you don't like my game. My game is called everything in the park belongs to me.

Gizmo said...

We came late. We went to the Bark Park first, and then to Pets Mart. We missed the parade. Thank goodness. I didn't even have a cool Bat Pup costume!