My people and I headed out for the Mutt Strut this year. But, unfortunately, at least for my people, it was pouring down rain almost the whole time. So, it was more like a Mutt Swim this year. It reminded me a lot of when I went swimming last year.
Last year it was hot and sunny the whole day. We had a great race, and I did really well. I think I won. I was in the winner circle, I know that .
I could see it was looking bad as we were heading in. I wasn't worried for myself, but I know how people are.
I ran into Laney pretty quickly after getting inside. Laney and I were on the same team this year. In fact most of the gang from the Bark Park were all on the same corporate team. That allowed us special access to treats, because our team was so special.
But, this day, the people were all dressed in plastic, and umbrellas.
I was on Laney's corporate team this year. That meant I got to go in and eat treats that were there just for the corporate team. I don't know if any of you know this or not, but I really love treats.
Someone bright in a wagon full of Pugs... Why would anyone do that?
When we hit the track the people were all scared about getting wet. So, rather than take a full lap, they just did a short loop down the straight away, and then back up the straight away.
So, I didn't even get a chance to win the race this year. But, that is ok. I was kind of in a hurry to get back to where the treats were anyway.
Me and Mom and Dad dressed in plastic... how embarrassing.
Despite the rain. It was a great day. I got to eat lots of treats, and hang out with my friends.
Easter is one of my favorite holidays. Mainly because there is usually a lot of ham in the house on Easter. I really like ham... A LOT!
Before we got straight to the ham, my big sister Lindsey made what she called "An Easter Egg Hunt" for my big brother Adam. She hid some chocolate eggs around the house. I was helping her. I was trying to show her places down low where she could hide them, but she kept putting them just out of my reach. AAARGHHHH... frustrating...
So, I told Lindsey and mom that it wasn't fair that Adam got an Easter egg hunt, and I didn't. So, BLAM-O, they made one for me in the backyard. I think they did mine in the backyard so that Adam wouldn't accidentally take my treats when he was looking for his treats.
I didn't have chocolate eggs, I had doggie treats. Pretty cool... but, those chocolate eggs sure looked good... But, I found one on the table
one on this thing that sticks on the side of the house... what ever it is..
C'mon there must be more treats out here. Next year maybe I will suggest that they just pile up my treats in one place. That would be much more efficient.
Wow, there was even one on this thing. Fun!
Gnarly even came out for a little while, but she was like no help at all on the Easter egg hunt
I don't know about you but that picture is scary... whewww...
So after the Easter Egg Hunt, then it was Ham Time!
Bring it on...
Hey... what is Gnarly doing up there?
Dang... my people were really woofing down that ham. They all were guarding their ham way too good this year. I was lucky to get just a couple of scraps. Better than nothing I guess. I usually can get my paws on some unguarded ham, but it didn't happen this Easter. Darn.
After Ham, Lindsey wanted to go some place called "The Monon". She wanted to play with her roller blades, and mom said we could use it as practice for "Mutt Strut".
I hadn't ever been to the Monon before. And, it was pretty cool. People every where... walking, running, riding bikes, walking dogs, and using their roller blades. I did not see any cats there. They must not be allowed.
They even had a water dish for pups in one spot. That was fun to find.
I even found a place where you could run just off the trail and lay down in some water. I think my people were jealous because they started yelling at me when I was playing in the water. I think they wanted to play in there too.
It was a great time on the Monon... fun time eating Ham... and lots of fun with my Easter egg hunt... and wonderful to have my sister and brother at home. What a great Easter.
I was just kind of hanging out at home, and I was really bored. I mean it was a great day, and I knew the bark park would be jumping. But, my people weren't all home. And, I was just killing time tell they all got home so we could all go to the bark park together.
I told dad that I really was bored.
He said I should just play with the cat... which made me laugh.
I mean, having a cat for a niece is really not that much fun. I mean... think about how much fun you think it would be if your niece was a cat, and then divide that by like 10... or 60 and that is about how much fun it actually is.
But, I tried to wrestle with Gnarly a little. I really like wrestling...
But, Gnarly is just all like "No... don't touch me... I'm too beautiful... you are as big as a cow... you are messing up my fur... I have lion relatives that are bigger than you..." and the always popular "You are such a dog."
So, dad saw that it wasn't going so well. We tried doing some tricks for treats. Turns out, Gnarly "Doesn't do tricks" (imagine that I said that very sarcastically while making air quotes with my paws).
But, her loss is my gain... or as I say now... Cat treats aren't just for cats.
I mean... I like food A LOT!!! I don't know if you knew that about me. But, my food is good, and people food is like amazingly good... super amazingly good... Hmmmm what comes after "super amazingly", not sure. But, what ever word it is, it would describe people food. And... cat food, unlike cats themselves, is actually pretty good. Not people food good, mind you, but still if it is laying there, and the cat isn't eating it, then it is mine.
So, a little tip from Gizmo. If you find some cat food laying around. Go ahead and try it. It is better than you might think.
Christmas time at my house is a pretty big deal. My brother Adam comes over early in the morning. Mom and Dad are there, and Lindsey has been around for a few days. It is pretty nice to have the whole family together.
As nice as it is to have the whole pack together, I have to admit I get pretty excited waiting until we get to open presents. Since I am youngest in the family I get to go first. I asked Santa mostly for food this year.
So, I was pretty sure that when Mom gave me my first present it was a big old hunk of bacon. YES!
I took off with my present to open it another room so I wouldn't have to share.
But, Dad came and got me and told me that I had to open it up in front of the family.
I didn't care what anyone said I wasn't going to share bacon with anyone.
Turns out, it wasn't bacon. It was a tug toy. Oh well... guess it is nice to have a few of those. I still had a few other presents under the tree.
Second present was a squeaky bowling pin. Heehee... pretty cool.
I started playing with it right away.
Oh man... my third present really made me mad. It was one of those puzzle toys. You know, like a stuffed animal with a squeaker inside. The puzzle is to rip a hole in the animal and take the squeaker out. This animal was one of those cows, kind of like the ones that come near the bark park.
I dropped what I was doing and started working on getting that squeaker out. It took almost 5 full minutes. But, I finally did get in there and rip out the squeaker. Whew... that was a rough 5 minutes. It was fun to solve the puzzle though.
After all of my presents were open. I realized I only got toys, and no bacon, or ham or anything I really asked for. I guess that is what happens when you just send in your list instead of going to see Santa in person. I wish he wasn't so scary.
Gnarly wouldn't come into the room while we were opening presents. I just don't understand how cats work. She was just hanging out in the kitchen the whole time.
It is really kind of sad. Gnarly doesn't even open her own present. Lindsey had to help her.
Then, Lindsey had to stand there and help her play with her toy. Man. I could have have figured out how to play with that all by myself.
I tried to help her play with it, but Lindsey wouldn't let me. Sometimes I like it when Lindsey is around... and sometimes... not so much.
After we opened presents the red dot came out and ran all over the house. Man that red dot really chaps my little furry behind.
I ran all over the place trying to catch it.
It really makes me mad when it doesn't hide fair. It should come out where everyone has a shot at it.
So this day has already been pretty great. I mean one of the best days ever. Then, Mom and Lindsey whip out some roast beast. I've never had roast beast before, but I'm pretty sure that it is one of my favorite foods.
Maybe Santa brought me some roast beast for Christmas.
YES! Christmas roast beast is my favorite food of all time. I knew I would love it. Mom made me sit for what seemed like forever before she gave me any. It must have been like 30 seconds. But, it was worth the wait.
Lindsey wasn't planning on giving me any of her roast beast apparently. I'm just judging from her reaction when she stood up and I helped my self to a hunk of it off her plate. In fact she seemed down right perturbed by the whole thing. But, the Christmas season is for sharing. That is what I always say. So, I just shared some of Lindsey's food.
I had a great Christmas hanging out with my family, and playing with my toys, and chasing the red dot around the house and getting more roast beast than I was supposed to have. I would have to say it was a pretty special Christmas.
Last year Mom took me to see Santa Claus so I could tell him what I wanted for Christmas. That was a bad mistake. Santa Claus is very very scary. In fact my first list is going to be things that are scary, and should never come out around Christmas.
Scary things List
Hot Air Balloons - Nothing scarier.
Bumble Bees - You know how you shouldn't bite them, but they fly in your face and you have to bite them... SCARY!
Santa Claus - 'nuff said
Ear cleaner and cotton balls... What is the idea of that anyway? Makes no sense at all.
For the things that should always be around all of the time, but especially at Christmas, I have another list.
Things I want for Christmas
Any random other meat my people are eating.
My sister and brother
Doggie cake (its not just for birthdays, it can be for any day)
Playing at the Bark Park with all of my friends.
Playing anywhere
Riding in a car to some place fun
Watching Gnarly run away from Dad, who is always trying to pick her up.
Catching the red dot
Chasing the red dot around the house.
Squeeking my squeekiest toy (especially when mom and dad are watching TV)
Treats and training with mom and dad
My friends
I think that is pretty good list. If anyone is thinking about getting me something for Christmas you might take a look through that list and you should have some pretty good ideas. OH... and make sure you don't pick anything from the top list... Hot Air Balloons... ooooo
My birthday is on Halloween (just one of the many things of wonder about me). It is pretty cool having a Halloween birthday. My Mom's dad, Grandpa G, calls me "Devil Dog", and I think it is because I was born on Halloween, and not because I tripped him that one time we were both going for the Frisbee. Lots of kids in the neighborhood come come over to our house that night to wish me a happy birthday. I bark at them, and Mom and Dad give them candy to thank them for coming over. I sure would like to get some of that candy.
But, my favorite thing about my Halloween birthday is having cake at the bark park with my friends.
Group shot, I'm in the back row with mom, center left of the pic. A lot of my best friends came out to celebrate
Before we headed out to the park, mom wanted get a a picture of me next to my cake. I love cake.
I don't believe in passing up a chance to eat cake, even if I am supposed to be posing for a picture.
Heee heee... I got a little nibble of the icing
Sam and I were having a joint Birthday party, and Halloween costume party. Sam is turning 7, which is like my mom and Dad's age. And, I'm turning 2 which is really like 14. I like the idea of being 14, but mom insists that I am 2. Whatever, as long as there is cake.
My buddy, Sam in his Super pup costume.
I was dressed up in a bumble bee costume, because bumble bees are very very scary. The only thing more scary would have been a hot air balloon costume.
Me as a bumble bee
There were a couple of other bumble bee costumes, because bumble bees are scary, and make good costumes. These are the only bees that should ever "bee" (see what I did there?) at the park.
Eddie was dressed up in a devil dog costume, which is funny because, like I said before my Grandpa G calls me devil dog, and Eddie is like a really sweet dog. I don't think he would trip anyone going for the Frisbee.
Eddie as 'Devil Dog'
Sandy made a great angel. Just, a word of warning. Do not bite Sandy's ears! She may look like an angel, but when you pull on her ears, she is no angel.
Laney is an official super hero pup. She showed up in her official uniform.
Zoe had a great Wonder Woman costume. I'm not sure if she is an official super hero pup, like Laney, but she sure looked the part.
Buddy had a little black bow tie, with money stuck in around it. I didn't get it. But, all of the people thought it was funny.
It was a great party. Lots of cake. Sam's dad showed up with some puppy cup cakes, and people coffee. Shannon's parents brought hot apple cider (which I heard was delicious, but no one gave me any, even though it was my birthday.)
It was a great time. I almost can't wait until I turn 21...or 3.