Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cat treats, they're not just for cats anymore!

I was just kind of hanging out at home, and I was really bored. I mean it was a great day, and I knew the bark park would be jumping. But, my people weren't all home. And, I was just killing time tell they all got home so we could all go to the bark park together.


I told dad that I really was bored.

He said I should just play with the cat... which made me laugh.


I mean, having a cat for a niece is really not that much fun. I mean... think about how much fun you think it would be if your niece was a cat, and then divide that by like 10... or 60 and that is about how much fun it actually is.

But, I tried to wrestle with Gnarly a little. I really like wrestling...

But, Gnarly is just all like "No... don't touch me... I'm too beautiful... you are as big as a cow... you are messing up my fur... I have lion relatives that are bigger than you..." and the always popular "You are such a dog."

So, dad saw that it wasn't going so well. We tried doing some tricks for treats. Turns out, Gnarly "Doesn't do tricks" (imagine that I said that very sarcastically while making air quotes with my paws).

But, her loss is my gain... or as I say now... Cat treats aren't just for cats.

I mean... I like food A LOT!!! I don't know if you knew that about me. But, my food is good, and people food is like amazingly good... super amazingly good... Hmmmm what comes after "super amazingly", not sure. But, what ever word it is, it would describe people food. And... cat food, unlike cats themselves, is actually pretty good. Not people food good, mind you, but still if it is laying there, and the cat isn't eating it, then it is mine.

So, a little tip from Gizmo. If you find some cat food laying around. Go ahead and try it. It is better than you might think.


Erika said...

Thanks for not wasting food Gizmo. Gnarly just left that treat there and walked away. Oh cats! What are they thinking??

JubilantlyBlithe said...
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JubilantlyBlithe said...

Way to keep Gnarly on a strict diet regimen!