Monday, September 14, 2009

Just the best day... EVER!!!!

Mom and Dad stayed home in the morning, that is an indication that it is going to be a good day. But, this day turned out to be a great day!

First we hopped in the car, but we didn't go to the Bark Park. I was a little nervous about that. We don't always end up some place fun. But, this time we ended up in a great place.

Part of the crowd.

We ended up in a cool place called "Carmel". I had never been there before, but Dad kept talking about how Bubs Burgers was just down the road, so I think he had been there once before.

Lucky woman with three beautiful doggies. I'd like to go play at her house.

There were people and dogs everywhere. It was pretty exciting. I met a lot of neat new dogs and people. Everyone that I met told me I am really handsome. Heee...Heee... that is fun to hear. There were treats everywhere. I liked this place a lot.

Sampson, Baxter and Laney

Then to make a great place even better, I ran into a bunch of my Bark Park buddies. There was Sampson, Baxter, Bailey, Laney, Buddy, Blake, and a couple of new friends I just met at the park, Molly and Lucy were there too.

Blake and me.

Laney and Buddy

This place was pretty cool, and we walked up and down and check everything out pretty well. I could have stayed longer. But, Mom and Dad get tired quick. I think it is because they only have the two legs.

But, they said they had someplace else to stop before we went home. I said I was in for whatever they had planned. So, we hopped in the car and we were off again.

Fishers YMCA Doggie Dip

We ended up at the neatest Bark Park in the world. It is called the Fishers YMCA Doggie Dip. I am begging Mom and Dad to join.

Mom talking me into jumping in the deep end.

The first thing Mom wanted me to do was "go swimming". She took me over to where some people and dogs were like in the worlds biggest bath tub. It did not look fun to me. But, mom talked me into jumping in. MISTAKE! "going swimming" is not fun! What is the point of having to thrash around in the water to keep from sinking... No thank you!

Going wading

Luckily they had a wading pool. Now that is what I am talking about! You can run around in there and still keep your feet on the ground. Makes it a lot easier to chase down tennis balls.

Wading is my kind of sport!

My brother from a different mother, Cooper.

Then as if this place wasn't already almost perfect. I found a bunch of my bark park buddies that were here. So, I had some great buddies to play with.

Cooper and Sam

Sam and Boris

Me with neat toy I found.

And... after a while I discovered that some dogs and people brought in things that they apparently didn't really want too much. And, since I wanted them, I just started playing with their toys.

Me checking out some free stuff.

Also, the people would leave their stuff out. So, I figured that meant that I was allowed to use their stuff too. But, after I checked out a few bags, Dad came over and started pushing me away. HEY!!!! It isn't nice to push.

Mom trying to talk me into swimming again.

Mom kept trying to talk me into going swimming again. But, you know... been there, done that... don't want the t-shirt.

Mom stopping me from having fun for a few seconds.

So, it was back over to the wading pool. That is where the fun was at. We stayed until they made us leave. It just the best day ever. I hope we get to go back to that place soon... like tomorrow... or tonight.

And, if all of that wasn't enough fun, we ended up going to the bark park later too... HA!!! man... we should do that every day.

1 comment:

Erika said...

Gizmo I had so much fun swimming with you! You're a lot of fun! Better than kids cause you never talk back! haha don't tell your brother and sister I said that!