Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day!

Today we had a lot of snow. Dad stayed home from work said he was taking a "Snow Day", but for me I'll call it a "Fun Day".

Usually, on a typical old boring day, when I go out into the backyard, I don't spend a lot of time out there. But, on a Fun Day. I like to hang out back there. I like to roll around and play with my toys.


Ha-Ha! The stupid cat isn't even allowed to go outside. And, she tries to sneak out every now and then. But, today she doesn't even seem to want to go outside. She doesn't know what fun is. Cats! Why! Why mom and dad, why?


I like sticking my face in the snow and pushing my toys around in it.


Guess I know how they came up with the expression "scaredy cat" now!


I have my toys lined up, so I can keep track of them.


I think this is how you make a snow angel... or at least a snow puppy.


I wish every day could be a snow day.




It is fun just to romp around!

Ok, couple of side notes. My mom is in the hospital. She has been there for a few days and is going to be there for a few more days. But, the Dr. has figured out what she needed and she is getting better every day! We are looking forward to her coming home. But, Dad was sad this morning that he couldn't get to the hospital. He will probably try and get down there later today. Not sure why he doesn't just come out and play in the back yard. That is what mom would do.

Also, Dad gave me a cookie and said it was from Alley Cat. Alley Cat kind of scares me. I wasn't sure about the treat. It took me almost 1/2 a second to decided to take a chance and eat it. Turns out it was pretty good. Maybe Alley Cat isn't so bad after all.


Shannon Bloomquist said...


Despite all of your insulting commentary on the feline persuasion, you're welcome for the treat. But if you keep on dissin' my kind, I'll be going out in the snow, buy a laxative. To put in your next treat...

Alley Cat

Gizmo said...

Yikes! Ok, I'll have to make an effort at getting along with Gnarly. I'd like to talk with Amelie to get some pointers on how to get along with a cat in the house.


Erika said...

I love those pictures of you playing in the snow!