Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Seems like my people are always celebrating something. This weekend they were celebrating "Mother's Day". I always thought everyday was Mother's Day... but, I guess this weekend it was supposed to be an even more extra special Mother's day than normal.

Since everyone was trying to do something nice for Mom, I decided to take her to the Bark Park on both Saturday, and Sunday. After all of that I figure she should know she is my mom.

Shannon is a Golden Doodle. So, apparently we are like second cousins or something. I guess we are related on our Golden side. She does remind me of myself a little, and she plays a pretty good game of "Stick tug o war".

When Dad was taking pictures of me, my buddies all decided to start posing for the camera. Dad was just about to get a picture of Sam, Abbie, and Sandy, when Molly just ran up and jumped right in Dad's face as he snapped the picture. I started laughing and dropped the stick. It was pretty funny.

On an unfortunate note, I was having a great time on Sunday, when I noticed all of the bees were back out at the bark park. I am not comfortable around bees. While I was jumping around trying to keep an eye on all of them, my buddy Blake jumped at me to start playing... which normally I really enjoy. But, this time I was kind of scared and took it out on Blake. Blake's Dad moves pretty quick considering he just has the two legs.

I felt kind of bad, I'm not usually like that. We all moved farther away from the bees, and I felt a lot better and was able to relax and play. Whew... Bees... I think I would rather have cats at the Bark Park.

Oh well... All and all... we had a pretty good Mother's day weekend. I hope everyone else did too.

Until next time.


Lindsey said...
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Lindsey said...

Oh Gizmo, no beautiful cat would be caught dead at a filthy "Bark Park". Stop being a baby and deal with the bees.